Friday, January 22, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy ...

After the working bee we had last week, what better than another! This time to sort try to sort out our stash of yarn so that we take up less space in the librarian's office. We have a lot of donated yarn that never seems to be touched, even when we're desperate - although this pile is less now that we are knitting for Winter Warm , as much of the yarn that is too thick and heavy for blankets can  be used for beanies, jumpers etc as the winters are very cold in Afghanistan, especially if you are homeless and  living in refugee camps or on the streets.

So the yarn was sorted into three lots - useful for our purposes; useful when we are desperate in a yarn "drought" - much of this requires a lot of time and effort to make it suitable as it is wound in large balls using 3 and 4 different yarns together ; and unsuitable for our purposes - yarn that is very soiled and unresponsive to washing, acrylic yarn that is too fine (a lot of this might have been machine knitting yarn), cottons, and yarn that is too harsh etc.
The yarn in the useful when we are desperate pile, can be stored elsewhere; the yarn that is  unsuitable for our purposes was picked  over by the group - some was bought for private knitting - the money to be put towards buying storage boxes for the useful yarn - the soiled yarn was disposed of and the remainder will be donated to an op shop where someone else may be able to use it.

We now take up lass space in the office, and have room to bring in the stash of beautiful yarn donated by Cecilia  - but check the photo out - maybe we won't have the space after all!  I'll keep you posted!


  1. Well so far I'm having no luck using up the superbulky yarn I brought home from the library on Thursday. Perhaps crochet blankets might be the way to go? as knitting with Those Big Old Needles isn't working for me!

  2. ROFL - aahh - I can just imagine - sorry for laughing. Just bring the stuff back and we'll add it to the "desperate" pile. :o)

    Thanks for trying.
